Monday, September 12, 2011

Mt Rainier

A few weeks ago we decided to meet up with the Leonards and go for a hike on Mt Rainier. Before we could go though, we had business to take care of. There was no way we were missing the Olympia Pet Parade. I sometimes run into people here that have never gone. To that I say, You. Do. Not. Live. In. Olympia. There is no way you can understand living in Olympia until you have sat on a curb downtown and watched your friends and neighbors march by with their ducks dressed as Harry Potter, or their dogs as superman or.... Guineazilla!

After the parade we had ice cream in the park with the rest of the town, and then on to Rainier.

The weather was perfect, but there was quite a bit of snow on the ground. This wasn't a real issue until about halfway through our hike when it covered the trail and made things a bit more exciting than we would have preferred. The kids hiked like pros with no complaining, no one fell off a cliff, and the wild flowers were beautiful.

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